Alhamdulillah selepas beberapa kali delay, hari Sabtu minggu ni adik sampai jugak kat rumah Kak Raw di Gedangsa. Actually ikut plan asal, abah decided to go since last two Saturdays i.e on the 3rd & 10th Oct just after coming back fr raya holiday. Unfortunately we woke up a bit late on the particular date and on top of that, Ummi pon ader mengajar kelas ganti.
We were grateful to God since pagi ni kami semua bangkit seawal 4 o'clock in the morning. Abah angkat adik & kakak masuk dlm myvi ummi. Kul 5am bertolak,isi myk keta dulu,abah jumpa kwn nak balik kampong kt Johor.Perjalanan Alhamdulillah spt dijangka mmg agak lancar. Sementelah pula, hari ni mrupakan public holiday -Deepavali- . Kami tiba di rumah Kak Raw just after bilal of Makmur Mosque in Gedangsa pronounced the subuh adhan. But abah kept driving till reaching Kak Raw's house to get a turn number. Wow ! just imagine guys.. we got a turn no. 18 even though we arrived very-very early in the morning(6.45am). Ummi asked Kak Ham (Kak Raw's assistant) when will no. 18 regularly take part, and she was nicely told us that perhaps adik's turn will be arround 11-12 o'clock.
Hence we spent our time at the mosque to perform a subh prayer and took a short nap, rest and bath. Then we had our breakfast in Tanjung Malim and amazingly along the way there we could see many-many durian orchads bear a lot of king of fruits. It is surely being sold by the villagers and the price is also quite reliable. He .. he.. since we will be coming here frequently almost every week - Insya Allah- we just control our lust and decided not to even taste it.
Let's go back to adik's story while being treated by Acik Raw. waa ... waa ... waa ... Kul 12pm adik mulakan rawatan.K Raw ckp kulit adik lembut,tp otot dh keras.(/ terbalik-dh x igt)entahlah...apa maaksudnya...mungkin org kena strok mcm ni kot keadaannya. Kul 12.20 siap dibalut.Kemudian adik kena berdiri tegak kt tempat khas yg disediakan cam gambar kt bawah selama 10 mnt,adik nangis lg x habis2 dr start acik Raw bandage badan & kepala adik bagi betulkan perjalanan darah & menambahkan oksigen kt kepala.Dh siap semua kami bertolak balik pukul 12.50pm.Terima kasih acik Raw yang sudi menerima adik Hasan sebagai salah seorang yang memerlukan usaha rawatan darinya.
Syukur Alhamdulillah for the treatment as our effort to see adik's health back to the normal, insya Allah .... By the way, we r also in a dilemma since Kak Raw seems disagree with our plan i.e instead of having treament with Kak Raw, adik also will continue with an electric therapy at Body Harmony. Adik still has 15 more times to go for a treatment at Body Harmoni and the fee also has been paid.
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